reddit ama by CW&T

Our ideas come from all sorts of places. We used to always say "we just make things we want", but I think that's not really a helpful answer. I'll start by saying that we NEVER do focus groups, or identify a product category or market that we'd like to enter from a business perspective. Most of our ideas + projects come from things we're curious about or interested in. For example, sometimes we'll learn about a new thing ...maybe it's a new electronic component, or a material finish, or a group of people at some point in history who did/or thought about something in a certain way. And that is sort of like a seed. Maybe it starts us on a new project, a new line of questioning. Or maybe it serves to unlock something we've been working on previously, but we've been stuck and let it rest. To us, our projects feel a lot more like questions, and less like... "this is the best thing in the world that EVERYONE MUST HAVE".

– quote from Pencil Type-C new project chat w/ Che-Wei + Taylor on reddit